Stop Bullying at Rains ISD
As a School
Our educators and teachers are dedicated to creating a safe and supportive learning environment. We seek to provide a classroom culture of positivity, inclusiveness and respect.
Rains ISD uses CharacterStrong, a character education and social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum and professional development company. Learn more about CharacterStrong here.
Our bullying policies can be found in the link above as well as our statement of nondiscrimination for students.
For more information on Texas state laws regarding school responses to bullying, follow this link.
As a Student
Youth who experience bullying can report anonymously through the STOPit app (link posted in multiple easily-accessible locations including above), or reach out to a trusted adult to talk about the situation and get support.
In the case of cyberbullying, students can capture screenshots and block people who are bullying.
If students witness bullying, they can change the conversation and deflect it. If they feel they can do it, they can stand up for the person being bullied, either on their own or with friends as a group. If they don't feel safe doing that, they can reach out to the person being bullied to let them know that they don't agree with it.
If youth witness cyberbullying, they shouldn't participate or share the posts or texts.
Students can always talk to a trusted adult for advice.
Information from StopBullying.gov Ed Board
As a Parent
At Home
Parents and caregivers can talk with their children about their school and digital life, and the many roles children can play in bullying. By asking open-ended questions, they can talk about their children’s experience and communicate expectations about appropriate behavior – in person and in their digital world. Parents are the primary role models for their children, and when they model the behavior they expect from their children, they teach through actions.
At School
Parents can contribute to a positive school climate through parent teacher association, volunteering, and school improvement events.
Keep in touch with teachers and administrators on student progress and social relationships with friends.
Help the school educate the community about bullying to ensure everyone understands the problem and their role in stopping it.